6 Proven Steps for Setting Powerful and Achievable Goals

Are you ready to slay new goals this year?

I know you’re tired of starting projects only to leave them incomplete. Each New Year you declare “New Year new me,” and I know you’re tired of feeling stuck.

When you’re immovable you lack fulfillment and end up with poor habits, unhealthy relationships, addictions, depression, and at a financial stand still. It’s been proven in various studies that going through constant disappointments and setbacks will erode your self-confidence and diminish your self-worth.

But, today your new goals will challenge you to go higher as you declare you’re sick and tired of being sick and tired!

God placed you on this earth to lead a fulfilling, abundant, and purposeful life. If you don’t know where you’re headed, you’ll land wherever the wind blows.

After studying over 100 successful men and women, I’ve compiled 6 proven steps for setting powerful and achievable goals. As a companion to this article you’ll need to download the “Dream Big” Painting Your Future – Goal Setting Guide and also as an option you’ll strongly want to consider purchasing the Dream Big Original Painting. This fun goal setting workbook and artwork will get you started and on your way to success.

Are you ready to dream big? Okay let’s go with the first step—the foundation.


What are you about and what do you represent?

Understanding your foundation and beliefs are important in determining how you will create and prioritize your goals and how you will spend your time.

Your value system and the “why” behind why you get up daily to do whatever it is you do will keep you going during those crazy times when you want to give up. Sometimes the priorities will shift but your core foundation will still stand.

Some foundational examples are: God, marriage, children, health, career, education, finances, entrepreneurship, time, freedom, travel, giving, love, peace etc.

You’ll want to prioritize these to set goals based upon what you value.

Once you get this resolved, let’s find out what you want to do.


This part of the goals process is exciting.

This is where the desires of your heart are exposed, raw, and unfiltered.

Everyone has a dream.

If you were the person you wanted to be today, who would you be and what would you be doing?

Do you want to build a multi-million dollar corporation, run a marathon, travel the world, build a church, provide beauty services for the stars, work with troubled youth, design clothing, or be a motivational speaker?

What is it my friend? Whatever it is you want to paint your future now!

Find out what makes that precious little heart of yours sing.

So go ahead and brainstorm your biggest dreams ever. Even if you tried to reach goals in the past—recreate or tweak them. Heck if need be just start fresh with new ones.

You can start off focusing on 3-5 main goals for the year as you don’t want to overwhelm yourself. But there shouldn’t be any limits to your goals, no matter how outlandish they may appear. There is no need to focus on 5-10 year goals right now. You’ll do good to just stay on course this first year.

Working one goal into each category in your value system will work, and today I promise you’ll walk away from this project feeling excited!

Got it? I know you do. So let’s start making sense of them in tiny steps.


Okay, once you’ve brainstormed and gotten down to the real deal Holyfield, write those bad boys down on paper and set deadlines.

There is something to be said about physically writing.

You can always type them up in a word document after this, but writing reinforces your goals in the mind and brain.

Keep in mind that it’s important to set your primary goal first. Once you have the big goal you can go back and add sub goals/tasks.

Here are some examples of clear and measurable goals.

Main Goal:

Good Example: I will remodel and create my dream kitchen by October 18, 2017

  • Bad Example: Remodel my kitchen this year

Additionally, you’ll need to break the big goal down into steps:

Good Example of Sub Goal/task: I will research and narrow down my ideal kitchen design by June 1, 2017

Good Example of Sub Goal/task: I will interview 3 subcontractors/designers by June 15, 2017

  • Bad Example of Sub Goal/Task: Look at design styles

Good Example of Sub Goal/task: I will decide upon colors and materials for my dream kitchen by July 1, 2017

In other words, if you’re going to write that book, launch that website, or start that catering company—the smaller steps/sub tasks are vital. Sub goals/tasks aid in breaking down those humongous scary goals, but they should have deadlines too.

Now that you got them down on paper, how do you get to that huge big goal?


The week should be planned before the week starts, just as your days must be planned before the day starts.

  • What workout routine will you do tomorrow (cycling, aerobics, weights)?
  • What appointments are you headed to (along with the addresses and phone numbers just in case you are running late)?
  • What stores will you shop at for Mr. Parkers bedroom redesign?
  • What books will you study for your hour of reading/study time?
  • How many sales calls will you make, who will you be calling, and what will you say?

Knowing what you are doing and where you’re going will prioritize your tasks and maximize time so that you’re productive.

The schedule will form better habits and challenge you to complete things. When you don’t complete tasks—just reschedule them.

Time is valuable so you must be intentional.

I highly recommend using Freedcamp.com (free project planning software) to add all of your projects and tasks, and Google Calendar to manage time if you’re on Gmail. The color coded system in the calendar works wonders to keep tasks organized.

If you are one that likes to write out your To Do’s please download the “Dream Big” Painting Your Future – Goal Setting Guide. Included in the workbook is a To Do list you can make copies of.

Once you’re in a flow makes sure to look at your goals often.


Write your big goals down at least once a day.

They must remain top of mind. You brush your teeth, eat, and get up daily right? Okay, so writing your goals should become as natural as these things as goals should now always be a part of your life from now on.

Your goals will appear out of reach for a while, but so was the first Ford that rolled off of Henry Ford’s assembly line and the first working light bulb Tomas Edison created.

Don’t give up because if you quit someone will forever be deprived of something great simply because you don’t feel like doing what you can be doing.

Now that you’re on the right path, you’ll need to spend just as much time working on removing all of the garbage and defeating thoughts from your mind.


You are where you are today as a result of your thinking up until this point. So you’ve got to get started pronto and I believe you can do this!

Declare today that you will take on the discipline and the commitment. According to John Assaraf, “you must be committed and not just willing.”

You want to do and not just try.

When you commit to change your mind you’ll want to invest and equip yourself with tools such as books, motivational audio, and advanced education to acquire new skills. These things will start to drain out the negative thought patterns and replace them with new ones.

As the Bible says in Romans 12:12 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind

Your thinking must be above what everyone else or how the average thinks. God is Love and
Wisdom so you’ll want to think like Him.

Again, to help you to stay motivated our art can help too. My paintings are representative of motivational, inspiring and encouraging subjects. Our art is a reflection of life.

You can also:

  • Download Digital 8 x 10 prints that you can frame for $4.99
  • Purchase Custom Digital or Hand-painted Art with your favorite quote/scripture (starting at $59.99)
  • Acquire an original Dream Big Art painting (pictured below) to represent your new goals. This 48” x 20” (on three 16 x 20 canvases) painting is available for $139.99 or 54 x 24 (on three 18 x 24 canvases) save up to 68% and enjoy FREE SHIPPING. Custom Color Option Available, swap out the blue and yellow for two colors you’d prefer for an extra $25.

  • Shop our available Inventory of Inspiring Subjects
  • Commission me to create custom work

Also, don’t forget to download your “Dream Big” Painting Your Future – Goal Setting Guide

This is the key to discovering your greatness.

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