Introducing The Fresh Collection

Fresh is representative of taking a fresh look at life and your current situation. It’s looking at failures and past successes collectively and learning the lessons from them. It’s forgetting what has happened in the past and moving forward with a renewed mind and greater faith. The colors represent boldness and daring fearlessness, while the earth tones give a sense of warmth, peace, and harmony. The gray/charcoal is the driving colors in the equation which is representative of sophistication. Though gray is neither black nor white—that gray area shows how life isn’t always so black and white but goes into the gray areas. You take those gray areas and start to blaze your own non-traditional trail.

But whoa! Though the introduction sounds really good, this process to complete these paintings weren’t so simple.

I had a challenging time creating this collection.

Why? It had been almost two years since I painted in depth and this is my largest collection to date. Additionally, I challenged myself to create something fresh and reflective of where I am as an artist and in my life—I wanted to find the new art inside of me. It was emotional and motivating, but I labored for hours and even had sore muscles all over my body.

I was also working full-time hours at my day job and would come home to spend another twenty-five or so hours getting the business back in order in the evenings and weekends. During this time I signed a lease on office space, moved my business belongings out of storage, had to write content for the website, write a new business plan, get the office in order, design the entire Love Collection, among many other business related tasks.

Creating art is truly a small portion of running an art related business, and trust that creating your best art that you can be proud of does not happen with every single painting. There are three paintings that didn’t make the cut, but I will certainly attempt them again because the colors are so necessary to add to this collection. I am in love with The Fresh Collection and I hope that you will enjoy it as well.

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